Jolie Laide ep by Morning Theft Album Artwork Illustration
LISTEN ON SPOTIFY PROJECT OVERVIEW Jolie Laide loosely translates to a French idiom meaning “Beautiful Ugly,” often referring to women that have independently unattractive features, that together create a beautiful woman. Illustrated as an album cover 
for a female-fronted progressive/alt-rock band in Columbus, Ohio, the band approached me to design their 
debut EP album cover. I sketched out a few ideas, and then refined the illustration as it appears with ink. Using a scan, I edited the illustration in Adobe Photoshop and added the typographic elements. METHODOLOGY When the band approached me to illustrate the cover of their debut EP, they had an idea that incorporated a burlesque woman. Before I could understand the message the band was packaging in their album, I requested to listen to songs. There were repeating nautical themes and Victorian-style imagery present in the lyrics. I sketched out a few ideas centered around a burlesque dancer that had octopus tentacles for legs. The band loved the idea, and as I developed the sketches, I added a classic gramophone and tried to illustrate the woman looking rather indignant. Once I had a pencil sketch I was happy with, I inked the piece creating a very detailed illustration. From there I realized that the sketch was so detailed that the color and typography needed to be simple to not contrast the illustration. For the text I chose Internacional Alt Black and Internacional UltraLight with wide tracking to fill teh space evenly under the illustration, as the goal was to not detract focus from it. For the color I chose a to go for a look of old paper. I added a radial gradient to the background color to bring more focus on the character. typography
color palette
000000 E0DBBF
The Final Pencil and Ink Illustration
The Final Digital REndering
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