grumpy old dog observational drawing ILLUSTRATION
PROJECT OVERVIEW I Illustrated this piece for Observational Drawing at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Despite this piece being for a course project, it holds very sentimental value for me, as this is a depiction of my dog that passed away 3 days after the completion of this illustration. I feel it is an extraordinarily strong representation of my skill with graphite pencil involving shade and lighting techniques, blending, and compositional values. METHODOLOGY This was my final submission for my Observational Drawing class. We were to select a scene consisting of a person or animal in a unique setting with a wide contrast of lighting and tonal values. This is the most sentimental piece in my portfolio as it depicts my 12 year-old German Sheppard named Diesel, who I rescued when he was 9 months old. He would pass away from liver failure 3 days after I completed this commemorative piece. I selected this scene because he always laid in the same spot on my couch and loved to sing while I played guitar. In his final few weeks he became more and more lethargic, so it was easy to capture his likeness. I wanted to focus on the textures created by the light source on the various surfaces while experimenting with a range of value. VALUE RANGE
thumbnail sketch
final drawing
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